Wire Belt Group of Companies is represented worldwide, see below our distribution partners, if you wish to contact us directly, contact us through our contact form
Andrew Fobes Fortney Sales Co., Inc. Regional Sales Manager M: (678)995-9930 D: (678)460-3369 E: afobes@wirebelt.com
Wire Belt Corporate Headquarters D: (603)644-2500 E: sales@wirebelt.com
Gerardo Martinez Wire Belt Company of America Sales Engineer M: (603)479-7975 D: (603)518-2326 E: gmartinez@wirebelt.com
James Bolinger Wire Belt Company of America Regional Business Manager M: (479)200-8334 D: (603)518-2383 F: (603)518-2381 E: jbolinger@wirebelt.com
Jonas Nelson Wire Belt Company of America Sales Engineer M: (206)665-0224 E: jnelson@wirebelt.com
Dean Seis Wire Belt Company of America Eastern Regional Business Manager M: (203)731-0722 D: (603)206-7174 F: (603)206-7175 E: dseis@wirebelt.com
Scott May Fortney Sales Co., Inc. Regional Sales Manager M: (678)641-6436 D: (678)460-3356 E: smay@wirebelt.com
Caleb Fortney Fortney Sales Co., Inc. Regional Sales Manager M: (470)832-1223 D: (770)427-6528 E: cfortney@wirebelt.com
Scott Peterson Wire Belt Company of America Central Regional Business Manager M: (612)991-9606 D: (603)518-2340 F: (603)518-2341 E: speterson@wirebelt.com
Richard Korson Fortney Sales Co., Inc. Regional Sales Manager M: (678)315-1935 D: (678)460-3364 E: RKorson@wirebelt.com
Dan Fortney Fortney Sales Co., Inc. Regional Sales Manager M: (770)335-6679 D: (678)460-3353 E: danfortney@wirebelt.com
Jonas Nelson Wire Belt Company of America Sales Engineer M: 206-665-0224 E: jnelson@wirebelt.com
Wire Belt Corporate Headquarters D: 603-644-2500 E: sales@wirebelt.com
Dean Seis Wire Belt Company of America Eastern Regional Business Manager M: 203-731-0722 D: 603-206-7174 F: 603-206-7175 E: dseis@wirebelt.com
Wire Belt Corporate Headquarters D: 603-644-2501 E: sales@wirebelt.com
Wire Belt Company Ltd D: +44 (0) 1795 421771 E: sales@wirebelt.co.uk
Ali Ramadan D: +2 01 227197722 E: aliramadan.wirebelt@gmail.com
Mr Mark Levin Meshcape Industries Pty Ltd D: +27 21 511 1327 E: capetown@meshcape.co.za
Wire Belt Company Osterloh GmbH D: +49 (0) 38823 5445-0 E: sales@wirebelt.de
Mr Shahul Hameed Advanced Technology Belting Trading D: +971 6 534 4225 E: shahul.hameed@adtech-trading.com
Mr Shridhar Kaluskar Aamsel Impex Pvt Ltd D: +91 20 2422 1094 E: shridhar@aamselimpex.com
Limor Younger Liranco Foreign Trade Ltd D: +972 3 766 2662 E: limor@liranco.com
Mr Basel Najeeb Al Hezam Letaqaniah Al Mutataw D: +962 641 70100 E: basel.najeeb@adtech-trading.com
Zai Ignacio Prime Opus Inc D: +63 2 820 1421 E: info@primeopusinc.com
Mr Ahmad Othman Motion Trading Systems D: +966 11 270 9213 E: Ahmad.othman@motion-sys.com
Mr Sameer Ahmed AB Industrial D: +966 2 280 2825 E: abisjed@gmail.com
Tina Chou Accom Technology Co. Ltd D: +886 2 8522 8299 E: dinsinder@accom.com.tw
Mr Burghard Storck United Belting Co. Ltd D: +66 (0) 2865 1977 E: sales@ubbelts.com
Feyzi Gıda Sanayi Makinaları Mümessillik ve Ticaret A.Ş Göker Uyarer Protein, Meat, Poultry & Fish Industry D: +90 216 291 14 15 E: Goker.uyarer@feyzi.com.tr
Mr Rob Maciver Richard Foot Machinery Pty Ltd D: +61 2 9979 8311 E: sales@rfoot.com.au
Mr Mike Rushworth Advanced Packaging Systems Ltd D: +64 9 966 3360 E: mike@advancedpackaging.co.nz
Nestor Barrios Adelsa International Sales Manager Mexico and LATAM M: +52 (81)-1157-8359 D: 52 (81)-8214-0011 F: 52 (81)-8214-0012 E: nbarrios@adelsa.com
Ricardo Barakat Ashworth Bros., Inc. Sales & Service Representative - Brazil M: (+55) 11-99949-2223 D: (+55) 11-99949-2223 E: brasil@ashworth.com
David Fortney Fortney Sales Co., Inc. Regional Sales Manager M: (770)335-6676 D: (678)460-3352 E: davefortney@wirebelt.com