For products that require special handling

When you have a complex product or process that requires special handling such as: moving product up steep inclines or down sharp declines, maintaining product separation, minimizing points of contact, or keeping the product aligned in rows, you need a specialty conveyor belt. Specialty belts are custom-designed and manufactured to your exact specifications for your application.

Specialty Belts

  • Automotive brake pads
  • Electronic circuit boards
  • Chocolates
  • Bagels
  • Snack foods
  • Many other applications

When you need a custom stainless steel belt, look no further than Wire Belt’s specialty belts. Made to your exact specifications, our Aligned Flat-Flex® belts or our Compound Flat-Flex® belts will get the job done.

Aligned Flat-Flex® specialty conveyor belts:

Keep product in specific rows

Aligned belts are used to convey products in specific rows. These belts utilize rows of flights to control and separate delicate products while minimizing damage and waste. In this configuration, all strands are formed in the same manner throughout the belt length. However, the number of rows and the spacing can be varied. The height of these product guides is available up to 1/2”.

Specialty Belts
Aligned belts convey products in specific rows


Specialty Belts
Aligned belts utilize rows of flights (highlighted) to permit control and separation of delicate products


Specialty Belts
Front view of products separated into defined rows

Compound Flat-Flex® conveyor belts

Compound conveyor belts incorporate specially formed strands with raised sections called “flights” in predetermined locations in the basic flat belt. These are typically used to help move product up an incline, down a decline, or to support, separate or minimize contact between products. The pattern of flights can be designed to create “pockets” that totally isolate easily damaged products. Flights are available in four standard forms from 1/8” to 1” high/deep.

Specialty Belts
Flight in the belt make it possible to move product up steep inclines or down sharp declines


Specialty Belts
Compound belts can incorporate flights to help separate a variety of products
Specialty Belts
The pattern of flights (highlighted) can be designed to create “pockets” that isolate easily damaged product


Specialty Belts
Compound belts can also incorporate flights to help support delicate products such as circuit boards

Belt Flights

Specially formed strands that are built into the belt, can incorporate ‘flights’ of various designs. These flights can be arranged to create pockets, or guides, to locate an item. The drawings below show our typical selection of flight forms. Many other flight forms are available depending on your specific product need. Our team of Engineers will work with you to design a custom belt solution that will work for your application.

The examples below show a sampling of the numerous belt flights available. More patterns are available.
Contact our team of Technical Support Engineers for more information.


Specialty Belts

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Wire Belt Company Specialty Conveyor Belts

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